How it all started...
It all started in November of 1817 when a meeting was held to discuss the forming of a Baptist Church in White Oak Flats, Gatlinburg’s former name. In June of 1837, our church was officially pronounced a constituted church. In July of 1932, the White Oak Flats Baptist Church became the Gatlinburg Baptist Church, which later became the name we call it now: First Baptist Church of Gatlinburg. In 1937, our church celebrated 100 years of progress — we’d grown to be a church that provided educational & worship facilities accommodating over 500 individuals.

Expanding the vision...
In 1991, we completed a new church facility, which is where Gatlinburg and locals can join us in worship today. Our building is on Highway 321 on Oglewood Lane. We are proud to now offer plenty of educational space, and more room for seating and parking. Our foundational truths remain the same as we apply the word of God in loving ways to the mountain community that surrounds us and the world that comes to our door.
Where we are headed...
We believe that God has called us as one body to glorify His name in this community and to the ends of the earth. So we gather to lift high the name of Christ so many will be drawn to him, we grow in our understanding of his word and in loving relationship with one another, and we go, serving in our own community as well as reaching to the ends of the earth with this life changing message of hope.

Be a part of our story...
Join us this Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:30 am.